Rekordbox 2.0.0
A lot of people are frustrated by the fact that the development of Rekordbox is going slow. Features request are on very low priority and bugs take a long time to get fixed. On top of that Pioneer is very reserved in handing out information giving the impression that they don’t have major plans for Rekordbox.
A while ago I already got informal information from a Pioneer representative that they do take Rekordbox very serious and it is a matter of time for new releases come out that solve existing issues and bring new requested features.
While using the just released version 1.6.2 I ran across the message below, suggesting that Rekordbox 2.0.0 is already available to probably a small group of beta testers. It doesn’t say anything about what we can expect, except that Pioneer is still working on this and our patience will pay off one day. Fact that the version number has a major increment might give some of us new hope…

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