Ida Engberg VS. Shannon – Let the disco volante music play
Ida Engberg is new for the a large part of the public. She is fresh and sexy and her Disco Volante is hitting high in the charts. I’ve played it already many times but I had some thoughts on my mind about the song, something was missing. These thoughts remained even with the remixes of the track, that don’t seem to add something that would satisfy me.
During a recent evenening I suddenly had a brain wave while I was spinning. While playing the Original Mix from Disco volante, I went trough my acapellas in search for that missing element. I found that missing element when I mixed the track with Shannon’s Let the music play.
With the addition of Shannon, the song got that finishing touch I was searching for. The audience reacted enthouiastic and that’s how Engberg VS. Shannon – Let the disco volante music play was born.
Ida Engberg VS. Shannon - Let The Disco Volante Music Play (10738 downloads)Tags: Acapella, Ida Engberg, Mashup, Shannon
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