Luc Margeaux VS. Flo Rida Feat. T. Pain – Vallee de low larmes ’08
A mashup with the huge rap hit Low from Flo Rida, that got a lot of success after the movie Step Up 2. During my vacation the track was played in every single bar the whole night long. Especially the “with the fur” is a catchy phrase.

The idea from the mashup came a few weeks ago, while I was DJ-ing at the Miller Time I mixed the track with Vallee de larmes. A nice up tempo track with a great groove that recently was released in a 2008 version by Luc Margeaux. Together with OverSoft we hit the studio for an afternoon to work on this new mashup with as result: Vallee de low larmes ’08
Luc Margeaux VS. Flo Rida Feat. T. Pain - Vallee De Low Larmes 08 (4481 downloads)Trackback from your site.