538 Dance Smash Volume 4 Harmonic Mix

Written by DJ House Container on. Posted in Mixes

As prove for the Harmonic Mixing Software Test I decided to make a mix based on the key results from the manual analysis. This should reveal any key mistakes when present. Looking at the songs and key the songs are in, there is only one logical song order.

538 Dance Smash Volume 4 Harmonic Mix

3 Songs didn’t make it into the mix. Louder is a dubstep track with a tempo that didn’t fit in. Forever is in Minor and didn’t sound right with the other songs. Get back asap from Alexandra Stan is a different story, I simply forgot that track and didn’t feel like modifying the mix.

I made the mix with Ableton Live and was able to mix all 21 tracks in less than 22 minutes. The mix didn’t reveal any incorrect song keys and was probably impossible without taking the harmonics into account. Download link of the mix is below.

538 Dance Smash Vol. 4 (Mixed By DJ House Container) (1799 downloads)

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