Print your own “Vinyl”
Today I got a message from a colleague about printing your own records with a 3D Printer. The idea comes from Amanda and is really cool. Using today’s digital technology to create something from the analog era.

It is of course not actually analog and it will never be this way, the source is already digital and the creation process also. With a sample rate of 11 kHz and 5-6 bit depth, it is not perfect and for now it is a working concept. A very good working concept if I may say so. On the video you can clearly here the legendary track from Nirvana.
3D printing is “new” and in full development. The printers are improving over time, with better precision and finer materials. I can see a future with "Vinyl" being the number one DJ source again, but this time DJs download their music and print it as a "Vinyl" record.

Tags: 3D Printer, Record, Vinyl
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Oldies Night DJ
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This is fantastic. Where can I print my own vinyl in Switzerland? Any Idea?