Sennheiser HD-25 For Life
A DJ’s headphone is something very personal, everyone prefers his or hers and takes it to every gig. I felt in love with the Sennheiser HD-25 II a few years ago and I still am.

Back then it was a serious investment, spending 200 euro only on a headphone. For a lot of people it still is, only the Pioneer HDJ-2000 is more expensive. Convincing argument at that time was the ability to replace all the wearing parts when required, making it theoretically the headphone for the rest of my life.

After 5 years of intensive usage the time was there to replace the earpads. The new ones are made of Velour, which is a different material then the normal earpads. It is more soft for the ears which is fine when you need to where the headphone many hours.
If you are thinking about purchasing a Sennheiser HD-25, then I hope this might convince you in case you aren’t yet convinced by the sound, build quality and flexibility.
You don’t like the looks, want it more colorful or to draw more attention from the crowd? Get some Zomo earpads for the Sennheiser HD-25 made of the same material and you will have a fancy looking headphone.

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Comments (1)
viviana torres
| #
Hi, Were can I find these spare parts for the headphones?